
I met Paula Miotto during the pandemic, through a work colleague. I wanted to improve my running performance and I didn't even identify with traditional running groups, much less with running coaches who had an unattractive work methodology.
Paula is more than a running coach, she is a partner who dives headlong into your goals and helps you achieve them in the most humane and natural way possible.
Always encouraging and available, Paula is the type of person who enters your life for one reason, but stays for many others, always in a positive and transforming way.
I strongly recommend everyone to join TEAM MIOTTO. It's a path with no return.
Pedro Braga, 34
Salvador, Brazil

known Paula for a few years now, but in 2020 in the madness of the
pandemic, she, on the other side of the world, agreed and pushed me towards one
of the biggest challenges of my life. In addition to being sedentary all my
life, I never had consistency in running or fitness attempts. But everything
changed, together with Paula, it turned a little bit in my head and in the same
year I celebrated my 22nd birthday by running 22km. An indescribable feeling to
be able to say that I did it, that I overcame myself and even more so that even
though she was miles away she was in my head all the time, pushing me not to
give up just like she did in training that I called her crying saying I wasn't
going to get. Running saved my year and my life. Being part of TEAM MIOTTO goes
beyond just running, it's a mental change that I carried through life and today
I always believe I can do more
Carol Barros, 24
Salvador, Brazil

Paula Miotto was a turning point in our family life. When she arrived at our house, I was sedentary and had a great desire to get fit and active through running. With a lot of discipline, plant-based nutrition, it's a progressive method, I went from never having run to running 10 km in 1h10m in 3 months. My husband, from 20km run to run marathons and my teenage son 12km run. It was a great learning experience about self knowledge, planning, method and action. And when we have someone, like Paula, to give us a hand saying that you will go beyond your limits if you overcome your fears and difficulties, it becomes much easier. Having Paula with us was a great gift for our health and life drive. Gratitude Paulinha!